Chris & Boryana Podcast introduction

"Me & Bo" is a podcast produced by Chris from Sweden and Boryana from Bulgaria. They combine their unique experiences and perspectives to create content about creativity, project and life. By sharing their thoughts and experiences, they strive to break down barriers and show that distance does not prevent great ideas and meaningful conversations. Each episode is a journey through their two worlds, where they explore challenges and successes in cross-border contexts.

"Embracing AI at the Heart of My Work: A Personal Journey with ChatGPT"

I’ve always had the ability to see things differently—to approach technology in my own way, whether it was using the mouse upside down or navigating screens with precision. So when artificial intelligence (AI) started to break through, I soon realized that this was an opportunity to adapt and innovate my work. I began exploring how AI, particularly tools like ChatGPT, could transform my workflow and creative processes. Today, it is an integral part of how I work and think.

"Embracing AI at the Heart of My Work: A Personal Journey with ChatGPT"

From Rock Bottom to the Top - The Courage to Live and Love Again...

This summer, I made a decision that would change me forever—a decision to challenge myself in a way I never had before. I bought a one-way ticket to Bulgaria, with Pirin National Park and its majestic mountain peaks as my goal. Two summits were on the agenda, but reality proved more challenging than I could have imagined. Two peaks, but only one I managed to conquer. The other, Koncheto, remains unconquered—so far. But this isn’t the end. I think a lot about who I am at 62 and how I’ve found the courage to keep going, to keep fighting, despite all the obstacles.

Link to the article: From Rock Bottom to the Top - The Courage to Live and Love Again...

"The Intern – The Senior in Their Prime with the Coffee Maker as a Companion"

In a world where age is just a number—or more accurately, a giant flashing neon sign above your head screaming "Overqualified"—we’ve arrived at a point where seniors, with decades of experience and knowledge, find themselves relegated to brewing coffee and running errands. But let’s be real. Is it really that bad? In today’s workplace, we seniors have become more like "interns" than the experts who lived, worked, and fought through multiple economic crises, political scandals, and every imaginable version of Windows (yes, including Vista).

Link to the article: "The Intern – The Senior in Their Prime with the Coffee Maker as a Companion"

When Digital Mirrors Surprise: Seeing Yourself Through the Lens of AI

NotebookLM is an AI-driven platform that analyzes and summarizes information, providing users with insights into their own thoughts and ideas. The article discusses how this technology can lead to surprises when users see how they are portrayed in NotebookLM's podcasts. The authors argue that this can help us reflect on our digital identity and how we present ourselves on professional networks like LinkedIn. They encourage awareness of what we share and how we link information online to ensure that our digital representation is authentic and reflects our desired image.

Link to the article: Feeling the Closeness of History Across Generations

A Hug Through Time: Feeling the Closeness of History Across Generations

It's a peculiar thought that a simple hug can form a bridge over centuries, that a tender gesture can connect us with times and places far beyond our own experience. When I think of my grandmother, born in the early 1900s, I realize that she, in turn, was hugged by her mother, whose parents lived during the French Revolution. Suddenly, the wings of history don't feel so distant anymore; they become tangible, almost graspable, through the human bonds that unite us.

Link to the article: Feeling the Closeness of History Across Generations

The Greatest Challenges for Journalism in the Digital Age

The digital revolution has reshaped nearly every aspect of our society, and journalism is no exception. While technological advancements have opened doors for faster and more accessible information, they have also introduced a range of complex challenges that threaten the integrity of journalism and its role in democracy. These challenges span from economic instability to the spread of fake news, and their consequences are profound for both media and society.

Link to the article: The Greatest Challenges for Journalism in the Digital Age

#2 The Dream-Catching Journey of Cheech Vyas and Kevin Chipman

Cheech Vyas and Kevin Chipman left their secure jobs in the U.S. to realize their dream of brewing beer on the beautiful island of St. John in the Virgin Islands. Their journey was not only a personal fulfillment but also became a symbol of resilience and passion as they contributed to rebuilding the community after natural disasters. St. John Brewers became more than just a brewery; it became a gathering point for locals and tourists, a place where people could enjoy great beer and socialize. Through their efforts, Vyas and Chipman have shown that it's never too late to follow your dreams and that the best way to succeed is to stay true to what you love.

Link to the article: The Dream-Catching Journey of Cheech Vyas and Kevin Chipman

#1 Chocolate, the Caribbean, and One Man's Dream

The article "Chocolate, the Caribbean, and One Man's Dream" tells the story of Mott Green and the Grenada Chocolate Company. Mott Green, an American entrepreneur, moved to Grenada to establish a chocolate factory that produced organic chocolate in a sustainable and fair manner. He created vertical integration where all steps in production, from the cultivation of cocoa beans to the finished chocolate bar, took place locally in Grenada. The company is known for its commitment to the environment and for providing fair prices to cocoa farmers. Mott Green's vision has inspired other companies to follow his example and create a more sustainable and fair chocolate industry.

Link to the article: Chocolate, the Caribbean, and One Man's Dream

Now and Then: A Hymn to Timeless Love and Endurance

"Now and Then" is a song that touches us on a deeper level than most love songs. With its sensitive lyrics and melodic intensity, it captures the essence of a love that transcends time, challenges, and distance. The love portrayed here is not an idealized, flawless romance but rather a realistic, profound emotion that grows and evolves over time.

Link to the article:Now and Then: A Hymn to Timeless Love and Endurance

"The Beatles - Now And Then (Official Music Video)" is a music video by the band The Beatles that begins with the sound of guitars being tuned, clicks from a cassette player, and coughs. The video then introduces the iconic song "Now And Then," with lyrics that describe the power of love and the painful distance from a loved one. The song is filled with strong emotions of longing and affection.

A Journey Through Thoraya's YouTube Experiment

In an era where technology is often accused of creating distance between people, YouTube creator Thoraya offers a counterbalance by exploring human intimacy and vulnerability in an unexpected way. In one of her most gripping videos, she asks strangers to write love letters, resulting in a mosaic of emotions ranging from heartbreaking losses to budding romances. This article delves deep into how this simple experiment affects the participants and what it says about our collective experience of love.

Link to the article: The Epidemic of Resignation: A Deep Dive into One of Our Time's Greatest Challenges

In a YouTube video, Thoraya explores how people express their secret love by asking them to write love letters. The video showcases a variety of personal stories, from heartbreaking losses to exciting new love stories. Participants in the video discuss their romantic concerns and feelings, and some choose to share their letters with strangers. The video highlights the universal theme of love—its joys and pains—and how it can manifest in many ways.

The Epidemic of Resignation: A Deep Dive into One of Our Time's Greatest Challenges

Source: Excerpt from "The Trend of Giving Up"

In an era where digital communication and social media dominate our daily lives, a worrying trend of resignation and negativity has begun to spread like an epidemic. "The Epidemic of Resignation" takes us on a journey through this complex issue, analyzing its roots and offering insights on how we can break free from its grasp.

Link to the article: The Epidemic of Resignation: A Deep Dive into One of Our Time's Greatest Challenges

This YouTube video discusses the negative trend of giving up and instead advocates for being proactive and persistent in trying to achieve one's goals. The speaker argues against a nihilistic attitude he observes in many online groups, where people focus on negativity and a sense of victimhood. He emphasizes the importance of seeking answers independently and creating one's own ethical framework to navigate life. He urges viewers not to give up but to actively strive to create a meaningful life, even if it means facing adversities. He warns against a "woke" mentality, which he perceives as a form of victimhood that hinders progress.

AI – Darth Vader or the Savior in the Rye?

Will the machines, like a Frankenstein, kill their creator, man, or will relationships take an unexpected turn

With what fervor the pen of great science fiction writers like Isaac Asimov, Belyaev, Bradbury, Arthur Clarke, Lem would have played if they lived today, in the times they predicted in one way or another! And which draw increasingly complex human-machine relationships! Social media is growing at breakneck speed, and to some extent that's a good thing - we humans are social animals and need to communicate. Homo ludens can never be played, and if geography puts us in handcuffs, then it is acceptable and pleasant, imperative, to communicate online. You're stepping imperceptibly into the dark side if you don't leave your computer or phone to go out and see friends live. When you are self sufficient.

Link to the article: AI – Darth Vader or the Savior in the Rye?

Manet or Monet – One Exalts the Female Body, the Other Nature

In the film Ocean’s 11, Danny Ocean (George Clooney) says to his ex-wife Tess (Julia Roberts): “I always confuse Monet and Manet. Now which one married his mistress?” After Tess replies “Monet,” Danny retorts: “Right, and then Manet had syphilis.”

Link to the article: Manet or Monet – One Exalts the Female Body, the Other Nature

"Build Your Field: On Dreams We Never Follow and the Courage to Try"

If You Build It, He Will Come - A symbol of faith
In Field of Dreams, the main character Ray Kinsella hears a mysterious voice telling him to build a baseball field in the middle of his corn farm. "If You Build It, He Will Come" is the only message he receives, but even though it is unclear what it means, he decides to follow his dream. What follows is a journey where Ray defies rational arguments, financial hardship and the doubts of those around him - all to realize his vision. For many of us, this situation may feel familiar. We may have heard an inner voice urging us to invest in something we really want, but hesitated in the face of uncertainty and the obstacles that might stand in the way.

Link to the article:"Build Your Field: On Dreams We Never Follow and the Courage to Try"

Creativity Without Limits – What We Can Learn from Rick Rubin's Philosophy

We live in a time where boundaries and limitations often define how we perceive our opportunities. But what happens when we dare to break free from these frameworks? In an interview with Jay Shetty, Rick Rubin, one of the world’s most iconic music producers, offers deep insights into how creativity can redefine our lives – both on a personal and global level.

Link to the article: Creativity Without Limits – What We Can Learn from Rick Rubin's Philosophy


"Bucket Lists. From Dream Catalyst to Dream Cemetery – Let Go and Start Living"

Bucket lists are often seen as motivating maps guiding us toward our dreams, full of life goals, adventures, and aspirations. But what happens when those lists become a waiting room for dreams that never materialize? What was once a source of inspiration can turn into a graveyard for untapped potential— a place where dreams go to die.

Link to the article: "Bucket Lists. From Dream Catalyst to Dream Cemetery – Let Go and Start Living"

The Lost Dream of Peace and Freedom...

In the 1960s and 1970s, the world was filled with movements striving for peace, freedom, and social justice. In a time marked by the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and civil rights movements, we saw a multitude of young people rallying under the banners of change. Music was a powerful voice for these ideals; artists like Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, and The Rolling Stones created the soundtrack for a generation that believed in the possibility of changing the world through peaceful demonstration. One of the most iconic songs, "Children of the Revolution" by T. Rex, captured the feeling of wanting to break free from old norms and create something new. But where did these "children of the revolution" go? And what happened to the dream of peace and freedom?

Link to the article: Children of the Revolution - Where Did They Go?

Who Am I Really? On Self-Deception and Being Shaped by Others’ Perceptions

We've all been there. A relative who hasn't seen you in years smiles warmly and says, "Oh, you look so much like your mom!" or an old friend comments, "You haven't changed a bit." These remarks are often meant as compliments or observations of familiar traits, but subtly, they reflect how others see us—and more importantly, how we are allowed to see ourselves.

Link to the article: Who Am I Really? On Self-Deception and Being Shaped by Others’ Perceptions

How Getting ‘Laid Off’ at 62 Set Me Free to Find Myself—In a Dumpster"

After two years at what might be the most dysfunctional company I've ever had the misfortune of working for, I am now free. Free to work how I want, when I want, or not at all—which is precisely what unemployment in 2024 means. As a 62-year-old with a ticket to the great dumpster race, I am now part of an increasingly popular club: the used and discarded. It’s an exclusive club with a very simple entry requirement: don’t be young enough, new enough, or quiet enough.


Link to the article: How Getting ‘Laid Off’ at 62 Set Me Free to Find Myself—In a Dumpster"


Who or what is a Kaos Pilot?

A kaos pilot is a person trained to lead and manage complex and changing situations in business and community projects. The term "kaos pilot" often refers to a creative leadership program at the Kaospilot school in Denmark, but the concept is also used more broadly to describe individuals who are skilled at navigating chaos and disorder, regardless of their formal education.

My Journey to Self-Insight and Adaptability

I have always had ability to see the world in my own way. Whether it’s how I interact with the technology around me or how I navigate my personal and professional life, I’ve discovered that I don’t always follow the traditional path. When I started using the computer mouse upside down, it wasn’t just a whim—it was an expression of my way of thinking differently and seeing opportunities where others might encounter obstacles. This ability to think outside the box has become a part of my identity and has inspired me to explore different aspects of human behavior, particularly through the concept of archetypes.

My Summer with Ingmar Johansson

It was the mid-70s, (I Chris) 15 years old I was working, during the summer for a small company in central Gothenburg. I had already become accustomed to handling everything from junk to more demanding tasks, like laying floor tiles in courtyards or digging up the floor in a fish shop. But nothing could prepare me for the moment when I was assigned a very special task: fixing the walls in Ingmar Johansson's apartment.

Bryan Adams, Kiss, and "War Machine": When Unexpected Collaborations Create Magic


When you think of Kiss, images of painted faces, bombastic stage performances, and arena rock come to mind. Their catalog includes timeless hits like "Rock and Roll All Nite" and "Detroit Rock City," songs that have defined the heavier side of rock ‘n’ roll. Meanwhile, the name Bryan Adams evokes a more melodic, romantic rock with hits like "Summer of '69" and "Heaven." Most people would claim that these two artists represent completely different sides of rock music. So how is it that Bryan Adams is one of the three songwriters behind Kiss' hard and aggressive song "War Machine"?

Jack Sparrow dawned in Staro Zhelezare

Thanks to the talented hands of graffiti artists. Indiana Jones is envisioned but not yet drawn, and Jack Sparrow is in the company of Doctor Doolittle, with lots of native animals and plants - in this case sunflowers. Johnny Depp's character decorates the house of an agronomy professor. The opening of the first village museum of "StreetArt" in the world was some time ago in Staro Zhelezare. In the museum you will see specially brought from Poland colorful panels with original photos taken during the StreetArt festival in Staro Zhelezare since 2015.

Bridging Nations: The Role of Twin Cities Between Bulgaria and Sweden

In this episode of Me & Bo, we explore the concept of "twin cities" and the unique partnerships forged between Bulgaria and Sweden. Through the connections between cities like Sofia and Stockholm, Varna and Gothenburg, and Plovdiv and Umeå, cultural, economic, and social exchanges are promoted. We discuss how these collaborations evolve, from urban management and port industries to tourism and cultural exchange, and how twin cities serve as a bridge between nations and cultures.

"Exploring AI in Cinema: How Films Foretell Our Technological Future"

"Artificial intelligence has not only become part of our lives – it has also emerged as a central theme on the big screen. In today's episode, we explore nine films that both predicted the development of AI and pose the big questions: What happens when machines start to think for themselves? What does this mean for our identity and humanity’s role in a world where technology is constantly advancing? Using these films as a backdrop, we dive into the ethical and philosophical questions raised by AI and reflect on the dangers and opportunities that lie ahead. Welcome to Me & Bo – where today, we face the future through the lens of cinema."

"The Lovech magic 2007"

"The Lovech magic 2007" is the story of how Chris, an assistant tour manager, and Bo, a journalist, met and fell in love during a music festival in the Bulgarian city of Lovech in 2007. Chris describes how he became fascinated with Bo during the festival and how they finally kissed on a bridge at dawn. Bo on the other hand talks about her thoughts about Chris during the festival and how she was disinterested at first but then became more and more fond of him. They both give their own perspectives on how they met and how they felt about each other in that magical moment in Lovech.

AI-Written Film Premiere

The article is about the first feature film written entirely by artificial intelligence (AI), The Last Screenwriter. Directed by Peter Luisi, the film explores the potential of AI in the film industry and its impact on the role of humans as screenwriters. The article describes the development of AI in screenwriting and discusses both the benefits and ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in filmmaking. The article highlights how AI can help screenwriters and directors create more engaging and commercially successful films, but also highlights the risks of AI-driven bias and the risk of job loss for humans. The article highlights how AI and humans can work together to drive new and exciting stories.

Link to the article: AI-Written Film Premiere

How Smartphones Shape Our Behavior

The article "It Really Is That Damn Phone" by Chris Blog at Me & Bo Life discusses how smartphones affect our behavior, our mental well-being and our daily interactions with others. The article focuses on the flip side of convenience, how smartphones can lead to reduced personal interaction and how they can have negative effects on mental health. It highlights that smartphones, despite their usefulness, can become an addictive force that disrupts our ability to be present and to focus. The article offers advice on how to take back control of your smartphone use to create a healthier life balance.

Link to the article: It Really Is That Damn Phone

Do we really want to adapt to the job market in 2024? A reflection on the role and value of seniors

We examine how seniors in the labor market often feel forced to adapt to the expectations and work culture of a younger generation. We argue that seniors should not have to conform, but rather that their unique skills and experience should be valued and in demand. We emphasize that seniors are often more experienced in technology than is often assumed and that their insights are invaluable in today's fast-paced work environments.

Deep dive to Bo

"Me & Bo Life" is a website created by journalist Boryana Kolchagova, who runs a blog and offers her services as a writer. The site features articles on a variety of topics, including popular culture, social issues, and cultural phenomena. Kolchagova has written for several prominent Bulgarian media and is known for her ability to tell engaging stories and make complex subjects accessible to a wide audience. She uses her journalistic experience to promote understanding and build bridges between Sweden and Bulgaria.

Chris - Who is he?
A Journey to Mountain Summits and Inner Heights

This presents Christer Berggren, an important person in the "Me & Bo" team. He is described as a leader and innovator in project management, with a diverse background in both business and artistic fields such as film and music. The text also highlights Berggren's personal experiences with rock climbing, where he describes how these experiences have shaped his personality and professional qualities. Berggren's trips to the mountaintops have given him insight into his own strength, endurance, courage and flexibility, which he applies in his work. He emphasizes the importance of always striving to learn more, contribute more and grow more, both personally and professionally.