#2 From Cubicles to Paradise: The Dream-Catching Journey of Cheech Vyas and Kevin Chipman

Published on 29 September 2024 at 14:57

In a world where most people are tied to their 9-to-5 jobs, the story of Cheech Vyas and Kevin Chipman stands as an inspiring reminder that dreams are worth chasing, no matter how unconventional they may be. These two friends and former college roommates from the University of Vermont took a leap of faith when they left behind their stable, corporate lives in the United States to pursue a shared dream of brewing beer on the beautiful island of St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Their journey not only transformed their lives but also contributed to the revitalization of their island community in the aftermath of natural disasters. This is the story of St. John Brewers—an adventure that started with a love for beer and grew into a symbol of resilience and passion.

The Beginning: Escaping the Cubicle Life

Before becoming island brewers, Cheech Vyas and Kevin Chipman were entrenched in more conventional careers. Vyas worked as a scientist for NASA, while Chipman was a physical therapist in Boston​

Despite their successful career paths, both felt unfulfilled and longed for something more meaningful. With the itch for adventure growing stronger, the pair made a bold decision: they quit their jobs, sold their belongings, and bought one-way tickets to St. John, a small but picturesque island in the Caribbean.

Upon arrival, their life took on a completely new form. The two friends started by working as waiters and bartenders, living on a dilapidated sailboat without electricity or running water. Although these conditions were challenging, Vyas and Chipman found solace in the island’s beauty and the freedom that came with their decision to leave behind the 9-to-5 grind​ However, something was still missing—their beloved craft beer from their college days.

Brewing Beer: From Hobby to Passion

St. John, like much of the Caribbean, was dominated by light lagers, and the variety of craft beers Vyas and Chipman had enjoyed in Vermont was nowhere to be found. This void sparked an idea: why not brew their own craft beer on the island? With this in mind, they ordered a $50 homebrewing kit and began experimenting with various recipes. What started as a fun side project quickly turned into a serious passion​.They created several different brews, including their soon-to-be signature beer: a mango-infused pale ale that captured the essence of the island by incorporating local fruit​

As demand for their beer grew, Vyas and Chipman took their brewing venture to the next level. They founded St. John Brewers in 2004, creating a brand that filled a niche in the island’s beer market. Their Mango Pale Ale became a local favorite, and soon they were producing other beers like Island Summer Ale and Island Hoppin’ IPA. Without a proper bottling facility on the island, they initially sterilized glass water bottles collected from local restaurants to package their beer. It wasn’t long before they partnered with a stateside brewery to scale production and meet the growing demand on St. John.

The Tap Room: A Hub for Craft Beer and Community

In addition to brewing beer, Vyas and Chipman opened The Tap Room, a bar and brewery in Cruz Bay, St. John. This became the go-to spot for locals and tourists alike, offering not only their craft beers but also an authentic taste of the island’s laid-back lifestyle​

The Tap Room became more than just a bar; it was a community hub, where people could come together to enjoy good beer and good company. The atmosphere embodied everything Vyas and Chipman had dreamed of when they left their corporate lives behind.

Beyond beer, the St. John Brewers brand grew to include sodas, such as their root beer and ginger beer, made with pure cane sugar. They also introduced a non-alcoholic energy drink called Green Flash. These additions expanded their business and attracted an even broader audience.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

The road to success was not without obstacles. In 2015, a fire destroyed the original Tap Room​. The rebuilding process was delayed, however, as the island was hit by two devastating hurricanes—Irma and Maria—in 2017. The storms caused widespread destruction, and St. John’s recovery was slow and challenging. The rebuilding of The Tap Room was put on hold as the island focused on more immediate needs, such as restoring homes, businesses, and essential services.

However, Vyas and Chipman, alongside the community, were determined to help St. John recover. Their brewery played an active role in the island’s post-hurricane recovery efforts. The Tap Room became a gathering space for locals to come together and find solace in one another’s company. The two brewers also helped organize fundraisers and relief efforts to provide aid to those most affected by the storms.Their contribution went beyond beer; they became key figures in helping St. John rebuild itself, both socially and economically.

Finally, in 2018, The Tap Room reopened, marking a significant milestone not only for the business but also for the island’s recovery​. The resilience of Vyas, Chipman, and the people of St. John exemplifies the strength of a community that refuses to give up, even in the face of overwhelming challenges.

Catching Dreams and Building Legacies

The story of Cheech Vyas and Kevin Chipman is not just about brewing beer. It’s about chasing dreams, taking risks, and creating a life that aligns with one’s passions. Their journey from the confines of cubicles to the shores of St. John is a testament to the rewards of following your heart, even when the path is uncertain.

In many ways, their business has become a reflection of their personal journeys—crafting something unique, embracing change, and helping others along the way. St. John Brewers has grown from a small homebrewing operation to an island institution, with their beers available in various U.S. states and their bar serving as a cornerstone of the St. John community​.

As Vyas and Chipman continue to expand their offerings and innovate within the world of craft beer, their story serves as an inspiring reminder that it’s never too late to pursue a dream. Whether through beer or through rebuilding their community, these two friends have shown that the best kind of success comes from staying true to what you love.

For more details on their incredible journey and to see how they helped St. John rebuild after the hurricanes, visit St. John Brewers or watch their interview on YouTube.

By Chris...

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