AI – Darth Vader or the Savior in the Rye?

Published on 29 March 2024 at 12:27

Written by Boryana Kolchagova & Christer Berggren

AI – Darth Vader or the Savior in the Rye?
Will the machines, like a Frankenstein, kill their creator, man, or will relationships take an unexpected turn
With what fervor the pen of great science fiction writers like Isaac Asimov, Belyaev, Bradbury, Arthur Clarke, Lem would have played if they lived today, in the times they predicted in one way or another! And which draw increasingly complex human-machine relationships! Social media is growing at breakneck speed, and to some extent that's a good thing - we humans are social animals and need to communicate. Homo ludens can never be played, and if geography puts us in handcuffs, then it is acceptable and pleasant, imperative, to communicate online. You're stepping imperceptibly into the dark side if you don't leave your computer or phone to go out and see friends live. When you are self sufficient.

And if the topic of social media is old-fashioned bubblegum, then more and more in the news cycle comes His Majesty Artificial Intelligence, fondly - AI, and causes conflicting feelings in the viewer of the spectacle called: "How high can high technologies be". An actor in Sweden was dubbing a thriller in a studio a week ago when he heard the director's line at the end: "That was the last time I use a human for this job. We will now work with AI." Another colleague of his, very famous in Sweden in the cinema and theaterq and as a voice over actor gave himself the voice of "Creator", and the AI they work with respectively, to make a copy of it and use it in future audio books. The press called him the first actor to agree to this. Technology has long played the leading role in many blockbuster movies, but the recent news that AI will take over the entire process and sit alone on the throne has raised concerns. The machine takes the man's bread! Are these digital, byte monsters so scary?!

Cinema romantics, nursed on the classics of the Seventh Art, cannot be convinced that technology will be the better option, because even any human error is more fascinating than the flawlessness of the machine. Moreover, only from a human heart can come those impulses that create these galleries of images and stories, linked cinematically so beautifully. And cinema itself has so many times told stories about the advancement of technology that it has been recognized as a prophet, one of the most striking cases being falling in love with an operating system - Joaquin Phoenix in Her.
This yes, this no If we use the title of the cult BNR ranking of one time for the good and not so good moments of the presence of AI in people's lives, maybe it will sound like this in the most basic way.

The AI saves time and is equipped with almost everything, this makes it a versatile fighter and gives it a red dot.
But the earth is overcrowded and the internet is flooded with 5 million new blog posts every day on the WordPress platform alone, so how overcrowded can it get?! It is believed that people sometimes outright plagiarize. AI systems have been thoroughly trained by other humans and can create "their own" original content. Human creativity is often the result of years of training, which naturally takes time. AI systems can create content that makes people think, laugh, feel without such long training.

Artificial intelligence continues to develop and increasingly enter our lives and work, and we face a time of both endless opportunities and significant challenges. AI technology has the potential to dramatically change many aspects of society, but a balanced and thoughtful approach to everything related to it is needed to navigate all this complexity. Understanding the positives and negatives of AI is essential. Landing on the poles is easy - either to get too excited by its possibilities or to be too pessimistic about the risks. The truth is that AI offers incredible tools to become even more efficient at solving problems that were previously almost unsolvable. However, there are also his limitations in terms of creative and emotional intelligence.

Ethics in relation to AI is another 'tipping point'. As AI systems become more and more embedded in our daily lives, developers and users of the technology must be aware of privacy, human rights and freedoms. It is critical that AI systems are designed in ways that protect people's data. Compromising these values could undermine trust in AI and its potential benefits. All of these advances, led by AI, are expected to change the labor market in ways that require reskilling the workforce. Investing in these areas is critical to optimizing the positive effects of AI and minimizing the negative ones, such as job losses in certain sectors. It is also important to develop Artificial Intelligence that complements human mind.


Written by Boryana Kolchagova & Christer Berggren

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