The Lovech magic 2007 - That's where it happened...
Chris story...
In 2007, I embarked on a tour with the Swedish rock sensation Europe, renowned for their anthem "The Final Countdown." Our journey in May took us to Bulgaria, aiming for a concert in a quaint city known as Lovech. Upon our arrival in Sofia, we were greeted and whisked away by bus for a three-hour drive through the scenic Bulgarian countryside to Lovech, covering roughly 150 kilometers.
Landing late in the evening meant that as the assistant tour manager, my responsibilities beckoned me toward an immediate exploration. Thus, under the cloak of night, I ventured alone to inspect the stage set up in the city's central square, where we were scheduled to perform the following day. Admittedly, trepidation clouded my mind regarding the stage's quality and the technical setup awaiting us. To my surprise and relief, the setup was far exceeding my expectations.
The 11th of May 2007 dawned, marking the day of our much-anticipated performance. In the morning, we were introduced to our "Liaison," tasked with ensuring our needs were met and that the event would proceed without a hitch. This was how I met Boryana Kolchagova, affectionately known as BO, who was to be our guide and helper. As the day unfolded, amidst the exhilaration of music and the vibrant energy of Lovech, I found myself drawn to BO in a manner that transcended the usual connections formed on tour.
Our story, which had started with professional interaction, took a romantic turn, culminating in a moment of pure magic. As dawn broke, painting the sky with hues of gold and crimson, BO and I found ourselves alone on a mist-enshrouded bridge in Lovech. It was there, in the embrace of the new day and enveloped by the mystic fog, that our lips met in a kiss, sealing a moment of unexpected love against the picturesque backdrop of a city that had brought us together.
And here we are in 2024...
Written by Chris from his memory and his perspective
The Love-ch magic 2007 - Bo´s story...
While my thoughts were wandering through entirely different realms, I was informed that I had to cover the music festival in Lovech. My media outlet, "Standard Daily," participated in the "You are not alone" campaign, aimed at bringing home the nurses unjustly convicted in Libya by the Gaddafi regime. When my colleague mentioned that I had to go, I became angry because my son, who was 5 at the time, was sick. The satisfaction in my colleague's voice, knowing that I was displeased by the idea, also irritated me. Nevertheless, I attended, and it turned out to be a grand celebration—I enjoyed time to myself, afternoons with white wine in the bath, delicious food, and enjoyable dinners with colleagues. For almost a week, I had to ask all the celebrities and performers if they would sing in support of the nurses. The late Kurt Hauenstein of Supermax responded, "Give me a helicopter and a machine gun, and I'll go get them out myself." The lead singer of "Hot Chocolate" remarked, "I'm horny, find me someone and I'll sing about whatever you want!" I also recall the press conference with "Europe." Before it began, I somehow got the chance to ask Joey Tempest—Why did it take you so long to come and perform in Bulgaria? He admitted that there was no explanation for their delay in meeting with the public. This line seemed to apply to Chris and me as well. He was a man who once made an impression and then roamed around in a spectacular skirt.
However, I had other concerns on my mind and merely took note of him. Later, at the hotel bar, I saw him to my left, and it was apparent that we were attracted to each other. He then approached and spoke to me, but as he reminded me later, I was somewhat annoyed with my job, and it was not easy to engage with me. Gradually, I became more interested in our conversation; we joked and laughed a lot. Disliking the bar's atmosphere, as people were getting drunk, we decided to go for a walk and talk instead. There was no better moment in my life than that night on the bridge—it was indescribably magical, with the night air, the sky's color, and the two of us together. I was deeply saddened the next day when we all had to leave; it took me a long time to move on. Though we stayed in touch occasionally, and he once said he would visit, I think I was searching for a part of him in every man i met after that. Until one day in November 2023...
Written by Bo from her´s memory and her´s perspective