My Summer with Ingmar Johansson

Published on 22 September 2024 at 11:51

An Unforgettable Experience

My summer with Ingmar Johansson was an experience I'll never forget. Working in Gothenburg's attics, clearing out old spaces, and occasionally taking on more advanced tasks was part of the job, but the day we had to clean up after a boxing legend made everything particularly memorable.

The 1970s Gothenburg

It was the mid-70s, (I Chris) 15 years old I was working, during the summer for a small company in central Gothenburg. I had already become accustomed to handling everything from junk to more demanding tasks, like laying floor tiles in courtyards or digging up the floor in a fish shop. But nothing could prepare me for the moment when I was assigned a very special task: fixing the walls in Ingmar Johansson's apartment.

The Legend of "Ingo"

Ingmar, or "Ingo" as he was called by most, wasn't just an athlete - he was a Swedish legend. Born in 1932 in Gothenburg, he had achieved international fame when he defeated Floyd Patterson in 1959 and became the world heavyweight boxing champion. For a small nation like Sweden, and especially for his hometown Gothenburg, this was a triumph that put us on the international boxing map. Johansson quickly became a symbol of fighting spirit, willpower, and success.

The Unusual Assignment

So when we heard we were going to Föreningsgatan, where Ingmar had an "hideaway" it was hard not to feel a certain reverence. The task? To repair the walls after Ingo and his friends had used the apartment as a kind of indoor golf course. Yes, you read that right - they had played golf indoors, and the result was walls full of golf ball holes.

Stepping into History

As we entered the apartment, we couldn't help but feel the wings of history. This was where the man who knocked out Floyd Patterson and who was once the world's best heavyweight boxer lived. And here he and his friends, in pure relaxation, had played golf indoors. There was something surreal about it all.

The Apartment's Details

The apartment itself was nothing extraordinary - a typical, spacious city apartment with a view over Gothenburg. But it was the details that made it special. In one place, we saw an autograph in the corner of a table, perhaps a quick greeting from another sports profile who had visited him. And of course, the small but deep holes in the walls that revealed where the golf balls had hit.

The Task at Hand

My job was to fill in the holes and paint over the damage. A simple task, but with every movement, it felt like I was participating in preserving part of a mythical story. There was something almost meditative about repairing these walls, while thoughts wandered to Ingmar's life - his rise to fame, the struggle in the ring, and how he now enjoyed a calmer life.

The Presence of a Champion

Johansson himself wasn't there that day, but his presence still felt strong. Even though he had lost the world championship title in a rematch against Patterson the year after his historic victory, his place in Swedish sports history remained unshakeable. He was a hero who had given Sweden something to be proud of, and his career was a reminder of what can be achieved with will and discipline.

Ingo's Legacy

After his time as a boxer, Ingmar withdrew from the limelight. He lived a relatively quiet life, but his name continued to echo in the sports world. For those of us who grew up in his era, he was more than just an athlete - he was a symbol of strength and endurance. There was a simplicity and down-to-earth charm about him that made him beloved by the people.

Reflections on the Job

When we finished the job that day, I stood for a moment and looked at our work. The walls were now smooth and clean, and there were no traces left of the golf balls. But the memory of what we had done, and the person who had caused the damage, would always remain. It was as if we had left our own little mark on history - even if it was just about covering up golf ball holes.

A Story to Share

Having cleaned up after Ingmar Johansson is a story I often share with friends. It's proof of how close you can sometimes get to legends, even if it's just through a job. It also shows that even the greatest heroes have their ordinary moments. For even though he was the world's best boxer, he could also be a man who played golf indoors with his friends and broke the walls in the process.

Johansson's Lasting Impact

Johansson passed away in 2009, but his legacy lives on. And for me, the memory of that day on Föreningsgatan will always be a special chapter in my life. It's a story about how we are all, in some way, part of something bigger - even if it's just by repairing some walls in a legend's apartment.

By Chris...

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