The last reset... Or getting your Mojo back...

Published on 13 May 2024 at 10:13

Rediscovering My 'Why': A Journey from hard Pleace to Self-Discovery

In the recent blur of my daily life, I've realized something alarming—I've forgotten my 'Why'. This epiphany hit me hard, reminiscent of the time I made a drastic life change by moving aboard a sailboat. Living on the ocean for nearly five years, I discovered not just my 'why', but also a profound sense of peace. Each day brought small, joyful steps that enriched my sense of freedom. The oppressive 'Musts' of life were replaced by heartfelt 'I wants', transforming every moment into a cherished experience.

However, the past year marked a subtle yet steady drift back into the dreaded 'Rat Race'. As days turned into months, a growing sense of discomfort took over my well-being, culminating in a physical manifestation of my stress: vertigo, an unsettling echo of seasickness that confines me to bed. This was a stark reminder that I had inadvertently steered back into the very storm I once navigated away from.

The realization dawned on me that it was time to reassess my course. The pressing question loomed large: Should I return to the corporate grind that clearly wreaks havoc on my body and spirit, or should I seek the tranquility I found on my floating home—or perhaps chart a course for somewhere entirely new? The thought of my previous life on the boat, where freedom and peace were my anchors, contrasts sharply with my current routine. Rising at dawn, rushing through a hectic day, and numbing the exhaustion with a nightly glass of wine is not the life I envisioned for myself.

It's clear to me now more than ever—I want to live in the moment. There's a future out there shining brightly, calling me away from the relentless stress and the burdensome 'musts' that weigh me down. Yes, responsibilities are a part of life, but they shouldn't dominate our existence. I long for a space where my thoughts can roam freely and my creativity can flourish, where I can work on my own terms and pursue what truly makes me feel alive. It's time to give myself that chance.

Embracing this journey with my partner, who is also my greatest support, adds an invaluable dimension to this pursuit. Together, we aim to rediscover our individual 'Whys' and reclaim our'mojos''. This personal revolution is not just about escaping the rat race; it's about finding our true selves and living our best lives authentically and passionately.

So here I stand, at the helm of my life once again, ready to make the bold choices that once led me to peace. I am not just seeking a return to simpler times, but a profound movement towards a life filled with purpose and happiness. For my own sake,. For us. The journey to rediscover my 'Why' begins now.

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